Zoe Saldana is a slowly becoming one of my faves. The actress blasted the media & society in general just a few days ago saying that new moms shouldn't expect to bounce right back after giving birth.
"You have to give yourself time," she said. "Breastfeed. Stay home. Sleep. Your kid is only three months old. Like what are you going to the gym for? Catch up on f**king reruns of some sort"
Zoe added "“Throughout the years that I’ve been in this business, women that hide in a cave and they don’t come out until they’re a size zero. And that is a very misleading message to send out to women, especially when women here in L.A. are the skinniest women out there, and that should concern us. We’re too busy thinking about our appearances and not really thinking about our mental health first as well.”
It's true that a lot of women succumb to the pressure and hide until they are back to their pre-baby shape. Just today Nigerian pop singer Tiwa Savage uploaded a photo of her new (smokin might I add) post baby body and it made me think....
She looks amazing right? Tiwa gave birth close to two months ago and seemed to bounce right back. Her Instagram caption was #BackLikeINeverLeft
No shade towards women like Tiwa, but the truth is a lot of women just don't bounce back like that. It varies from person to person.
In a recent episode of the hit talk show "The Real" Tamera Mowry- Housley talked about the fat shaming she's gotten since giving birth
"They said I was lazy, and said things like 'it's obvious the baby weight isn't gone'. I've got to admit, I felt pressure to get back to my pre-baby body"
I know some celebrities make it seem like having a baby is walk in the park. It's not. A lot of women do gain weight and that's perfectly alright. I mean just think of the enormous task their bodies just accomplished. The last thing on their mind should be shedding that weight. Childbirth is a wonderful and blessed miracle. Let's honor it that way and focus on the bigger picture.
What do you think? Do we as a society place too much pressure on a woman to snap back into pre-baby weight?
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