Saturday, December 29, 2012

Diva Antics: Look at what Mariah Carey wore on a recent sailing trip!

Trust Mimi to always push the diva envelope!

The Carey's/Cannons were snapped today getting ready for a private yacht tour of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. So what does 42 year old pop chanteuse Mariah Carey wear?

Mariah walking ever SO gingerly
Sky high heels and her very best red "freekum dress". Yes Mariah...this is totally impractical but seems right up your alley.
Only a diva could pull this off..
Remember when Nick Cannon told shock jock Howard Stern that his award winning wife doesn't change stinky diapers? Doesn't this make whole imagery you totally believe him? Lol oh Mariah! Would you wear this on a sailing trip? Thoughts on her outfit?


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