The big news out of Egypt yesterday was the update that CNN anchor Anderson Cooper and his crew were attacked by supporters of President Mubarak in Cairo. So you think the logical thing to would be to leave Egypt asap right?
Think again!
His bosses at CNN urged him to leave immediately as they no longer could guarantee his security. But Anderson has told them "no way" -- this was the biggest story on the planet, and he wasn't going to miss reporting on it. I love Anderson but this is ridiculous. He earns a spot on his famous "ridiculist". I applaud his courage to stay and report on the biggest story on the planet but his safety should come first. So to Anderson I say, come home....your life is not worth being put in jeopardy to cover a story.
What do you guys think? Should Anderson stay or leave?
UPDATE: Anderson Cooper has decided to leave Egypt. Phew!
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