Not if you're J.Lo! Listen up kids, class is in session. Jenny from the Block is going to teach us how to turn a negative into a positive!
Word on the streets is that J.Lo's latest studio album 'AKA' will only push 25-35K copies her first week out. When you consider the fact that other artists - namely Lana Del Ray (who's album was also released this week) are going to be moving 120K copies, we only then begin to understand the depth's of how dismal Jenny's sales are.
Mariah Carey almost met the same fate of elusive album sales. Her latest album earlier this month only sold 58K upon its debut. The two singers not only share low first week figures but they also allegedly have a rumored fued thats festered for years. To be honest the majority of the drama between the two hasalways come from Mariah’s side. Why the hate Mimi? Get it together.
In a total class act move, JLo defended her and Mariah's low LOW album sales to the Power 105's radio chat fest the Breakfast Club this week. The 44 year old was quoted as saying:
“Mariah and I did what the kids are doing [now]. We had the time when we would drop the thing and it’d go straight to number one and the album would go straight to number one. We did that two, three, four times over. She’s probably done it many more times than even I did. At a certain point in your career, there’s a reinvention that has to go on. But there’s also, you’re in it for a marathon, it’s not about a sprint. This is not a movie, this is not an opening weekend and it tanks. There’s singles that are gonna come out over the course of the next six months. So to me, the release of the album is a celebration because it’s the beginning of something new.”
She added: “So for me it’s not about the first day sales. We’re in a different time in our career. We are in a different status than the ones that need to prove themselves and come out and go, ‘My thing has to be number one right now!’ Ours doesn’t have to. We have a fanbase, we have years behind us, we have loyalty, we have people who are interested. And that’s a blessing to be in this spot. People always try to make you feel bad about that, but honestly I think it’s a badge of honour.”Valid I suppose. Only time will tell. Girlfriend has been on a SERIOUS promo blitz with this album and for her sake I really hope it sells more copies eventually. Even if it doesn't we still love you mami!
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