Kenya Moore is a special kinda crazy. Did you guys watch the Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion last night? If you didnt, then you missed RHOA cast member Porsha Williams dragging her fellow costar Kenya Moore & reading her for filth. It was a nasty fight which I am sure will translate to MAJOR ratings for Bravo.
Anywho check out Kenya's interesting statement on the altercation below :
During the taping of the Reunion Episode for the Real Housewives of Atlanta, I was violently attacked by Porsha Williams. The episode, which aired tonight, Sunday, April 20, 2014, was taped in front of an audience of over 50 people, which included cast, crew, guests and executives, who served as witnesses. I called 911 to report the incident. The Atlanta police conducted an independent investigation, which included viewing the raw footage of the incident. As a result, Porsha Williams was charged with battery.
The authorities will decide her fate, not me.There are many inflammatory statements made by cast members to and about each other particularly during the reunion tapings. Many have made untrue, denigrating, disparaging, and inflammatory statements against me in an attempt to provoke me, but I have never reacted in a violent way. My intellect and my brain are my most powerful weapons—not my fists. If people get so angry that they lose control and admittedly “black out” and resort to violence, those persons must be held responsible for their actions. Being a cast member on a reality show does not absolve people of their rights.
After being repeatedly attacked by an abusive boyfriend at the age of 17, if someone puts their hands on me, I will not just let it go. With that said, I sought self-defense training developed for the Israeli military. I’ve also been trained in weapons. I can take someone down in three moves. It took discipline for me not to respond in kind. As violent responses escalate, they can quickly result in severe injury or even death.Being the second Black woman to be crowned Miss USA, there are little girls who look up to me. I would never want those girls, my nieces, or my future children to see me fighting anyone. That’s the lesson we should all want to send, especially to young people—that no matter how angry someone makes you feel by what they say to or about you, violence is never an option. #stoptheviolence
Hmmm I don't condone violence so in theory Kenya is right but damn it that girl is just full of crap.The beauty queen's constant provocation of Porsha last night was so ugly & disgusting. Was she thinking of being a role model then? Why did the Bravo allow the props on set? It was clear that P snapped and she just lost it. After all she's been through (divorce, bankruptcy, cheating accusations) she clearly wasn't in the right space to deal with all this. Uggg I hate that Porsha allowed herself to sink that low!! Word on the street is that fight cost her the RHOA gig. So who really won out of all this? Tsk tsk tsk
Who's side are you on? Porsha or Kenya?
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