When actress Gabourey Sidibe hit the red carpet last night at the Golden Globes heads turned. And not for the right reasons. While I love the color of the dress on her, I am not a fan of the cut. It's just unflattering on her. Many people took it a step further by making fun of her weight and wondering if she was pregnant - which I think is wrong. Never one to take an attack lying down Gabby hit back with this tweet:
"To people making mean comments about my GG pics, I mos def cried about it on that private jet on my way to my dream job last night. #JK" — Gabourey Sidibe
Take that haters! She is making a pretty penny starring in hit TV shows and movies in the US so clearly she was not bothered by the dress fall out.
It is an interesting response right? Some of y'all took it far but I think a lot of the dress criticism was valid. It just wasn't a good look.
Thoughts on her response?
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