46 year old actress Garcelle Beauvais recently wrote a brilliant & thought provoking post for People Magazine that I just had to share. The mother of 3 eloquently describes the unbelievable pressure new moms in Hollywood have to lose the baby weight. The newly minted "I am Mixed" author writes:
"In my line of work, appearance matters. There’s no way around it. I show up for a job and immediately meet with the wardrobe person. Within two minutes of walking on set, I’m stripping down in front of her and maybe a couple of her assistants.
Actors have to try on clothes and be photographed in them so the director can see the selections. So every time I go to work, I feel utterly exposed. God forbid if I’ve gained five pounds — under the prying eyes of a film crew, it feels more like 30! Coupled with the fact that the camera adds 10 pounds, this can really make you insecure"
She is right! That camera does add on a ton weight! What caught my eye was when she kinda dissed fellow actress Gwyneth Paltrow's 2 hours per day workout.
Garcelle wrote:
" I read somewhere that Gwyneth Paltrow works out for two hours a day, but who wants to do that? Yes, she’s beautiful and she looks great, but personally, I’d rather spend that time with my kids, or go shopping, or eating or seeing friends. I’d pretty much rather spend two hours doing anything but grunting and sweating at the gym!
Sister girl has point! But of course Miss Paltrow has an army of people to help her with her baby so I doubt they are feeling neglected. What do you think? Is 2 hours at the gym too much for a Mom? I know Michelle Obama wakes up at 5 am to work out before the kids wake up, is that way to do it so the kids don't feel the absence?
What do you think?
P.S read the rest of Garcelle's entry here
It's not coming across as a diss to me. She is just saying its something she would rather not do. It's just a difference of opinion. I am a workout fanatic and most of my friends say similar things. They have other things to do and they are entitled to it as am I.