Bishop Eddie Long and his jerry curl toupee |
"The ceremony was not my suggestion, nor was it my intent, to participate in any ritual that is offensive in any manner to the Jewish community, or any group. Furthermore, I sincerely denounce any action that depicts me as a King, for I am merely just a servant of the Lord," Long wrote in a letter dated Saturday.
The Bishop is no stranger to scandal, having made headlines last year in a lawsuit by a group of men alleging he used his position as pastor to sexually molest them. The case was eventually settled out of court (for an undisclosed amount) leaving a publicly humiliated Bishop with a tarnished image. Isn't settling out of court almost an admission of guilt? Seems bizarre for a man claiming to be innocent. Then late last year Long's wife Vanessa filed for a divorce from the preacher in the wake of all the drama and quite frankly, who could blame her.
At this point, I think even Stevie Wonder could see that "king Eddie" should resign. What I fail to understand is why and how the people in Eddie Long's congregation still stand behind him? Surely the ceremony should be the straw that breaks the camel's back. My issue here is that Long is using the pulpit and hiding behind the cloak of Christianity to repair his image. I am honestly embarrassed for the Bishop and if he really cares about religion, his New Birth congregation or himself...then he should step down.
Thoughts? Should Eddie Long resign or stay in his church?
The scriptures says that there are some things that should not be mentioned among us . . (the believers). I am so disappointed that we find it hard to rightly divide truth in fear of it being called judging. If I am in sin, and you love me please try to restore me in love. . . if I refuse to hear then treat me as an unbeliever.