Jezebel's Dodai Stewart writes:
When you paint your face darker in order to look more "African," aren't you reducing an entire continent, full of different nations, tribes, cultures and histories, into one brown color? [....] What if Beyonce were an Asian singer painted to look like a geisha, or given exaggeratedly almond eyes? Perhaps even more important: By painting Beyoncé's face darker, aren't the French fashion editors basically treating her like they would a white model, i.e. a blank-palette object on which to place concepts? And not an actual, authentic black person with African heritage?
Hmmm what do you think about this? I personally think this is a much to do about nothing. I don't know if it's really offensive to wear a "blackface" if you are already black. I dig the fact that Beyonce is honoring Fela and is at paying homage to her African roots. I hate so say this but a lot of African Americans dont recognize their African roots and for Beyonce to acknowledge her ancestry in such an international publication is a really big freakin deal (in the words of VP Joe Biden)
Chime in, I want to hear your thoughts.
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Offensive but this is not a first for Bey, she did it before & people didn't like it then either. She's such an attention-h...og. lol. She should stick to performing & make new music.